SQL Azure: DataContext Error : The context cannot be used while the model is being created 25. February 2018 DeanMay@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, .Net (0) What else can cause a DataContext to error when being accessed besides thread and initialization errors? Bad models of course! [More]
Using the Microsoft Enterprise Library Validation Block in Azure Pre-Compiled Functions v1 20. February 2018 DeanMay@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) A primer on how to implement the Enterprise Library Validation Block (v6) in a pre-compiled Microsoft Azure Function. [More]
How To Run SSIS Packages on Azure Data Factory, with Logging to Application Insights 27. December 2017 DeanMay@phidiax.com Microsoft Business Intelligence, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, .Net (0) Running SSIS Packages on Azure Data Factory while Using Application Insights to track SSIS Events. [More]
Using the Microsoft Enterprise Library Validation Block in Azure Functions v1 10. November 2017 DeanMay@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (2) A primer on how to implement the Enterprise Library Validation Block (v6) in a Microsoft Azure Function. [More]
Microsoft Azure Event Grid (Part 3) 10. October 2017 DavidMilner@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) Microsoft Azure Event Hubs, and Event Grid. What exactly are they and how do they work? [More]
Microsoft Power BI and Azure Application Insights: How to Authenticate with API Key 10. October 2017 DeanMay@phidiax.com Microsoft Business Intelligence, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) Authenticating Power BI to Application Insights using and API Key instead of Microsoft Azure Account. [More]
Microsoft Azure Event Grid (Part 2) 27. September 2017 DavidMilner@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) This blog covers Microsoft Azure Event Grid and the concept of a Serverless event-based framework as well as how it ties into Azure offerings. [More]
Microsoft Azure Event Grid (Part 1) 26. September 2017 DavidMilner@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) This blog discusses Microsoft Azure is Event Grid, now in preview. Events in Azure represent a new ability to design applications at massive scale that are based upon an event-driven model. [More]
Denver Dev Day - 6/23/2017 - Phidiax Wrap Up 27. June 2017 DavidMilner@phidiax.com Phidiax News & Events, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, .Net, Microsoft Azure Stack (0) Denver Dev Days 6/23/2017 - Dave Milner Reports! [More]
BizTalk Server 2016 Feature Pack 1 is Available 26. April 2017 Thomas E. Canter BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Microsoft Business Intelligence, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) BizTalk Server 2016 has a new "Feature Pack" and it is full of new, and never before seen technology. [More]
Why You should be Using Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AAD) Right Now 9. January 2017 Daniel Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Microsoft Office 365, Phidiax Technology, .Net, Service Oriented Architecture, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) Why use Microsoft Azure Active Directory? This document is relevant to both Azure AD B2C and Active Directory Federated Services (ADFS), as both of these Microsoft offerings provide authentication/authorization services to cloud applications. [More]
Microservices, .NET Core, the Cloud, Azure, and You 2. January 2017 DavidMilner@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Microsoft Office 365, Phidiax Technology, .Net, Microsoft Azure Stack (0) A crash-course review of progression in technology trends, resulting with Microservices, Azure, Microsoft Cloud, and supporting technologies. [More]
Phidiax Hosts Azure Global Bootcamp 2017 - Denver - Saturday April 22, 2017 - Sign Up! 6. December 2016 JasonSauers@phidiax.com Phidiax News & Events, Microsoft Cloud / Azure (0) Come join your peers at Azure Global Bootcamp 2017 - Denver. [More]
Part 3 - AssureSign DocumentTRAK Integration with Azure API Management, Logic App, Service Bus, and BizTalk 16. November 2016 ToanLam@phidiax.com BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) How to Integrate AssureSign DocumentTRAK with BizTalk server using Azure API Management, Logic App, Service Bus, API Management, and BizTalk. [More]
Part 2 - AssureSign DocumentTRAK Integration with Azure API Management, Logic App, Service Bus, and BizTalk 4. November 2016 ToanLam@phidiax.com BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) How to Integrate AssureSign DocumentTRAK with BizTalk server using Azure API Management, Logic App, Service Bus, API Management, and BizTalk. [More]
Part 1 - AssureSign DocumentTRAK Integration with Azure API Management, Logic App, Service Bus, and BizTalk 4. November 2016 ToanLam@phidiax.com BizTalk / Enterprise Service Bus, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology, WCF / Services / AppFabric / IIS (0) How to Integrate AssureSign DocumentTRAK with BizTalk server using Azure API Management, Logic App, Service Bus, API Management, and BizTalk. [More]
Phidiax Jason Sauers to speak at Mile High Azure Meetup on the Microsoft Cloud Assessment 17. May 2016 JasonSauers@phidiax.com Phidiax News & Events, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) Phidiax is sponsoring Mile High Azure Meetup on May 17th, 2016. Jason Sauers, Sr Integration and Cloud Architect at Phidiax, will present on the Microsoft Cloud Assessment. [More]
How Phidiax performs the Microsoft Cloud Assessment for your organization 20. April 2016 JasonSauers@phidiax.com Phidiax News & Events, Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Microsoft Office 365, Phidiax Technology (0) At Phidiax, we are Microsoft Cloud Architects. We provide cloud implementation services and enterprise custom software solutions for organizations looking to harness the power of the Microsoft Cloud. [More]
How To Use Azure Automation, Runbooks, Scheduler, and Powershell for ELMAH XML File Maintenance in Azure Web Sites 1. April 2016 DeanMay@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) How to utilize Azure Automation, Runbooks, Variables, Scheduling, and Powershell to manage ELMAH (Error Logging Modules and Handlers) logging errors from MVC websites. [More]
Azure VM Migration from ASM to ARM using AzCopy and PowerShell 19. February 2016 JoshKealiher@phidiax.com Microsoft Cloud / Azure, Phidiax Technology (0) During recent attempts to manage migration to Azure Resource Management (ARM), more here Azure Resource Manager Overview, from Azure Service Management (ASM), we were able to implement an alternative to using the ASM2ARM Tool, by utilizing AzCopy and PowerShell. [More]