Phidiax Tech Blog

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Integrating With Microsoft CRM - Two Common SQL Queries To Get Entities And Attributes

Recently, I had an opportunity to work with one of our enterprise client's to integrate data between a web portal and Microsoft CRM 2013 using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013. I’ve often used the following two SQL queries to validate and map data between the source system and Microsoft CRM.

The first query will return all CRM entities:

SELECT DISTINCT(EntityView.Name) AS EntityName

      FROM LocalizedLabelView AS LocalizedLabelView_2 INNER JOIN

       AttributeView ON LocalizedLabelView_2.ObjectId = AttributeView.AttributeId RIGHT OUTER JOIN

       EntityView INNER JOIN

       LocalizedLabelView AS LocalizedLabelView_1

                  ON EntityView.EntityId = LocalizedLabelView_1.ObjectId

                  ON AttributeView.EntityId = EntityView.EntityId

      WHERE LocalizedLabelView_1.ObjectColumnName = 'LocalizedName'

      ORDER BY EntityName

 The second query will return all attributes that relate to the provided entity:

SELECT  EntityView.Name AS EntityName,

            AttributeView.Name AS AttributeName,

            LocalizedLabelView_2.Label AS AttributeDisplayName

      FROM LocalizedLabelView AS LocalizedLabelView_2 INNER JOIN

AttributeView ON LocalizedLabelView_2.ObjectId = AttributeView.AttributeId RIGHT OUTER JOIN

      EntityView INNER JOIN

            LocalizedLabelView AS LocalizedLabelView_1

                  ON EntityView.EntityId = LocalizedLabelView_1.ObjectId

                  ON AttributeView.EntityId = EntityView.EntityId

      WHERE LocalizedLabelView_1.ObjectColumnName = 'LocalizedName'

            AND EntityView.Name IN ('Account')

      ORDER BY AttributeName


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