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BizTalk Server 2016: Failed to configure AS2, "BAM Deployment Failed Package..."

Recently, in an effort to configure BizTalk 2016 Servers, the below error occurred during the AS2 configuration.

[ERROR: The BAM deployment failed package BAM_DM_ResendJournalActivity already exists on server <BizTalkServer>]

This is because the BAM_DM_Resend* DTS packages were left behind when we unconfigured BAM Tools in an earlier attempt.

There are two options to remove the existing DTS packages:

1 - Using BAM.EXE

On BizTalk Server, change directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016 and execute below command
Bm.exe remove-all -DefinitionFile:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2016\AS2ResendActivityDefs.xml

2 - Using SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

We used the compatible SSMS version (16.5.3) to connect to SQL Server 2016 Integration Service.  There, we deleted the DTS packages.


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